Rosenthal, easily. A great combination of LDM’s esotericness and just consistently yummy juice. LDM definitely is a fave, but tends to have more misses in their portfolo than what I’ve experienced with Rosenthal.
FWIW I voted for Louis Dressner, though I don’t think I have a ‘fav’ importer in particular.
In my experience I have hits and misses with every importer, so I’m not sure that is the yardstick either.
For me, I guess it comes down to a question of, if I am looking at a wine but have not yet tried that particular producer does the importer help me decide to give it a whirl? So far I have found LDM, Kermit, Rosenthal, Theise/Skurnik, and perhaps Solomon and Weygandt all helpful. I’m totally open to adding others to the list as my experience widens. The list does not have to be short in my view.
I look for the producer, not the importer; except when it’s time for a trade tasting, I just no longer pay much attention to who brought the wine in. For one thing, there’s been a lot of movement on the part of winemakers from one importer to another over the past few years.
Of course, if a particular importer is known as a cheapskate when it comes time to ship under good conditions, I’ll give those wines a wide berth.
Maybe next time ask people before you poll them who should be included in the poll so the whole thread won’t be a list which items should’ve been in the poll . . .