Yao Ming Family Reserve Caberent Are you Efing serious ?

One more reason to become more jaded with the world of wine. Former NBA player Yao Ming has released his Family Reserve Cabernet at 625 bucks a pop. Oh yea, best within five years.

Pathetic, but there’s a sucker borne every minute.

I think I saw a very big number for this wine from Wine Enthusiast just yesterday – like 97 pts. Somehow managed to restrain myself from racing out and buying a case. The score and the price were equally shocking.

Surely he’s got a LOCK on the Chinese market (both IN China and wealthy ex-pats) with that, no?

I wonder. Other superstar athletes have made wines at 1/20th that price, and I don’t know that they kicked all that much ass in their home countries.

What pairs with it? [stirthepothal.gif]

[quote="Victor Hong]What pairs with it? [stirthepothal.gif][/quote]

Coca-Cola, of course!

Politically incorrect, but empirically supported. Only the former now matters.