Wow, this must be some GOOOOOD Wine....

Tasting note of the Year? From Miran “Helicopter” Kegl:" onclick=“;return false; Taken from:” onclick=";return false;

The guy’s freaking insane. [beatoff.gif]

Hey, a little off-topic, but I saw that note earlier today and went looking for the wines at Wine-Searcher Pro, and got very, very few hits; e.g.

In the past, it looks as though maybe Dee Vine might have brought some Keller into the USA, and Theise mentions a “Keller” in some of his notes [although I don’t see that Keller is actually on the Theise/Skurnik line card], but, according to Wine-Searcher Pro, most of Keller’s stuff seems to be rather provincial [at least as regards its presence in the export market].

So has anyone actually tasted these wines?

Are they worth seeking out?

Does Kegl know what he’s talking about?

[rofl.gif] I forgot about that helicopter thing.

I’m a bit surprised by these questions. Keller is well-known as one of the foremost winemakers in Germany right now, his G-Max among other things getting high praise all around (although it’s clearly not your typical German riesling). Not sure what’s up with the lack of visibility in the US but this guy is clearly not under the radar.