WOPN - Update on theft of wine

I didn’t see a thread on this but for those of you following the story, here is an update. Thank goodness charges have been filed.

Great news. The idea that they wouldn’t even bother to prosecute her for that, after she was caught dead to rights and all the evidence was placed into the laps of law enforcement, was going to make my head explode.

It was driving us crazy as well. I gave all of the evidence to the police within 48 hours of the theft. Better late than never!

Felony charge really ups the stakes for her.

She will have difficulty keeping a position in the public school system if that sticks.

Depending on her collective bargaining union agreement she might be able to keep her job if it gets pled down to something in misdemeanour zone.

The upside / downside of what she did is just amazing.

That criminal act took serious cojones, plus she chose a very distinct outfit to wear to her heist.

The fact that she may be implicated in another similar crime does not bode well for her.