Winemakers, Do you need Bottle shots?

Such a pretty label

had to shoot some more less standard stuff


Is that time of year? Do you need some newly bottled wines photographed?

Great shot! [worship.gif]

More bottle porn!

Seasonal bump!

Boxes are starting to arrive and I’ve got my set going up this week.

Let’s shoot you wine soon!

Terrific shot!!!

I hope at least a few of your clients go for some of the less standard shots as well. All of them are great but I quite liked this one and the top Wind Gap one. I guess everyone needs the standard bottle shot, but the eye gets drawn to these far more and lingers far longer…

We are redoing all of our labels, so we’ll be in touch early this summer!


What kind of gear do you have, Mel?

I shoot with Canon Cameras and glass, dynalight strobes, Matthews grip equipment, Manfroto support
Dark matter coffee, three floyds beer and PVW whiskey [snort.gif]

Seriously, gear is not that critical…
Time invested is way more important.
Monday, I spent 90 min steaming my silk light source fabric so the wrinkles would not appear in the highlights. It really comes down to the little things with this kind of work.

I just purcased a t3i and am in need of glass. Any reccomendations? I like shooting landscapes and am looking at a Tamaron 10-22 wide angle. I foolishly bought a fisheye lense and am not proud of my decision.

lucques_5452_trio by Mel Hill Photography, on Flickr

Camera, tripod & natural light helped along with a single sheet of frosted acetate used for two exposures.
Plus some photoshop to combine two images and clean up the bottles

Cool capsules on the Lucques

Capsules have jumped the shark in West County. Didn’t you hear?