Winehunter- 2002 Dom Perignon mags in Houston for $375 each

At the HEB grocery at Bunker Hill and I-10. 3 in stock (no OCB) that came in a couple of weeks ago. 6 more (in OCBs of 3 each) available from wholesaler. These are primo (I am picky and I know what to ask)- and beat the very few winesearcher results I have seen. Ask for Matt- head wine guy. They will order the ones in boxes if you are not keen on taking the loose ones in stock.

Catch is you need to buy 6 bottles total to get $375 price- but that could include the $8 stuff, all mix and match to get 6 bottle price. Without discount sale price is $417ish.

Moving to another city on Saturday and a bad time for me to buy- so figured I would share the good news around.
