WineBid provenance issues?

I have had great success from Wine Bid. All 4 of my 2021 WsOTY came from Wine Bid.

Iā€™ve certainly had provenance issues over the years with occasional bottles from winebid but it was never anything obvious from the bottle and it was an overall small percentage. My only large scale disappointment was buying a bunch of older Qupe syrahs last year that seemed to be from the same source a number of which were heat damaged. Bottles looked perfect so I donā€™t see how they could have known.

Their new policy of charging storage for wines held during the summer has had me avoiding the site so itā€™s irrelevant for me at the moment.

I am surprised they started charging again for storage for periods when wine should NEVER be shipped . It is why I stopped buying in the first place, and why I am not going to buy again.

This is actually an ethical issue for me. You buy with an expectation that the wine will be treated properly, and if someone there makes a serious offer to ship in the heat of Summer, they either donā€™t know wine, or donā€™t give a damn.

Yea, the 50 cent storage charge is a killer. neener

Was not happy with the quality and no longer buy from them since they started charging insane prices to ship to the east coast. They shipped me a double magnum with no listed defects, it leaked in transit and had a cracked wax capsule unlike what was pictured in the listing. Received around a 20% credit and havenā€™t visited the site since.

Iā€™ll be at there warehouse tomorrow picking up a case. If it would help iā€™d be more than happy to ā€œtasteā€ a few of your vintage northern rhone bottles just to make sure theyā€™re good. (kidding)

Iā€™ve purchased ~ 10 cases over the past year with only 1 corked bottle to note. I let WB know just in case they had any other reports and they actually credited me the bottle, note: I didnā€™t ask for that consideration. for reference, Iā€™ve mostly purchased CA wines <10yrs old.


Iā€™ve been buying for over a decade. No better and no worse than any other outlet for quality of product. Iā€™ve been quite pleased overall. I donā€™t buy bottles with suspect fills unless I really want the risk. Even then I wouldnā€™t beat up WineBid if it turned out to be crap. They gave due diligence in showing the condition. Itā€™s on me at that point. Same with ā€œsigns of seepageā€, etc.

Usually these complain threads usually reveal a consumer not aware of the risks of suspect bottles or unwilling to take the responsibility for their own decisions.

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Or someone who had a few mixed experiences and simply wanted to ask a group who also buys from the same site if they had similar issues.

No suspect bottles unless you can go through the internet, open the bottle and have a taste.

I got a lot of oxidized SavenniĆØres, complained and they gave me some store credit. Helped the sting a little bit. Just finally used it to buy 1 sparkling Loire Chidaine, 1 GG Riesling, about breaking even before shipping. Message them and see what they say.

were those biodynamique Nicolas Jolyā€™s?