Wine shipping from a Cali. individual???


In this case, at least, the law is an ass. But I take your larger point that it’s probably better to abide by rules until you can change them, if possible.

Unless the law sucks. By your argument, if you lived in a state that until recent years had anti-sodomy laws, then a consenting couple should refrain from such private sex acts until they are able to muster enough public support to get the laws changed, regardless of how many years that process takes?
I do not think shipping wine is harmful to anyone, and I believe that many of these regulations which are either carry-overs from the days of anti-alcohol Prohibition hysteria or supported by wealthy alcohol distributor vested interest lobbyists are ridiculous. Screw 'em.

It is against the law to ship alcohol via the United Stated Postal Service. It is NOT against the law to ship alcohol via FedX or UPS. It is simply against their policies to accept these items for shipment unless there is a licensed entity on at least one end of the shipment. It is also perfectly legal to gift someone alcohol. It is only when you are selling alcohol that you are breaking any laws. You really need to get your facts straight and get off your high horse, Ralph.

Totally agree. These laws are clearly based on ideas of old and interest groups. In Rhode Island you can’t purchase alcohol from a merchant on Sunday to drink in the comfort and safety of your own home. You can, however, get drunk at bars and restaurants, then drive home. Do you see my point?

Winos are subject to a “higher” law.