Wine Shark of the Year Award…yeah, it goes to a lawyer…

The eponymous Dr. Holdredge. Yeah…it’s been building up for a while now…but he has SO much time for his web exercising, so he gets my nod for offering up such delights as…

  1. top notch wines…This ought to be first, after all…I still am enjoying his PNs and Syrahs from our last visit, to say nuttin’ of his LH Reisling from a couple of years ago (or wuz it the Gewutz??? [swoon.gif] )

  2. the ability to swim seamlessly (at all hours of the day/nite) between this and some other bb, kibitzing at random on things gustatory or wine-ory…and all things in between." onclick=";return false;

  1. his eloquent commentary for the fleeting notion of profit motivation amongst PN producers…posts 14,50, 58 and then the capstone…post 69…Oh Gawd…" onclick=";return false;

  1. his historical reminiscences/reportage on those winemakers dinners that never seem to get out of hand…" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

All hail my leader! flirtysmile

Or else… [berserker.gif]

Friday’s special: FAILSAUCE!

you like me, you really like me!

(not sure about that one link with the multiple messages though- and frankly not sure I wrote any of this tripe- musta been the booze talking)

And they say I have problems…

this is a true bromance!