How wine sales really work.
Ok, friggin’ hilarious, so true.
The “xtranormal” text to movie software is also hilarious
And to think I’m trying to work my way into that side…
- YouTube" onclick=";return false;
Carole Meredith of Lagier Meredith Vineyards posted this on the Parker boards. Off-the-hook funny! This is the equivalent of of RT (for those of you that Twitter).
Yeah, it’s been making the itb rounds. AFAIK, my buddy was first to post it on a wine board on Wine Disorder, I got it up here and then Carole posted it on RP this morning. Too funny. I’m usually the guy on the right.
Yea, I hear you Brad. I am the same dude. Though I am pretty tight with my Southern rep so I hear bits and pieces of the guy on the left too.
Did anyone actually save this file? if you’ve noticed, it has been taken down off from YouTube as well as the site that created it, so unless someone has it we’ve all lost it forever. Please let me know via post here and i’ll give you my email to send it to me. thanks.

Did anyone actually save this file? if you’ve noticed, it has been taken down off from YouTube as well as the site that created it, so unless someone has it we’ve all lost it forever. Please let me know via post here and i’ll give you my email to send it to me. thanks.
Not sure how you save files from youtube, but I edited my post to a new link that seems to be working.
F’ing classic. this should be mandatory for new distributor sales employees.
These are great!
How come nobody does one of these videos for us?
It wouldn’t be nearly as funny if it weren’t so true. This was brilliant. I am sending this out immediately to all colleagues ITB.
That last one was my favorite. I love the way it starts. “Let’s tell them we are a small, family-owned winery…”