Even though the year is nearly half over, I figured this would be a good expansion on the typical ‘what will you buy in 20XX’ threads we have each year, as it will include those who don’t plan to buy more, who plan on selling, who plan on selling one region and buying another, or who have to do massive liquidating or drinking to reduce cellar size.
As for me, after the move of my paltry 400 bottle cellar, I’ve committed to not buy ANY more cellar-able wine. I restocked the LeCache cabinet cellar after moving it all out, packing the wine in shippers, driving it offsite for 2 months while I waited to move in my new house, packed up the cabinet, then moved into the new house, setup the cabinet, drove out to get all my wine, unpacked it all, put it back in the cabinet, and had to load up the car to dump all the shippers. After that…I decided it was time to drink the wine, as we’re likely out of here in a couple of years, and I don’t want to do it AGAIN.
So, 2012 (through mid 2014) is DRINK THE WINE for me.
How about you?
Everybody’s winging it?
Perhaps I should have asked ‘Apple purchase plans for 2012?’ instead?
Nope . . . you should ask BURGUNDY purchase plans, my friend (-:
For me its Drink (through year end at least)
Maybe some occasional limited purchases
I’ve accumulated too much (at least my wife thinks so)! ![cheers [cheers.gif]](/uploads/db3686/original/2X/0/0ff9bfcdb0964982cd3240b6159868fbdf215b1a.gif)
True, but what if someone’s plan is actually to DRINK Burgundy, or sell it, rather than just buy it?
I moved to a bigger wine locker at the end of April and I already have more than enough wine in holding to eclipse capacity. I’m mostly done with purchases of cellar-able wine and I’m committed to drinking up the bottles that are unlikely to benefit from further aging.
What kind of stand alone cellar did you say you had?
After starting the year with my intent to curtail/limit purchases, Berserker Day came along and messed me up, then a few mailing lists hit in Feb./March and messed me up some more, then dove into the Last Bottle marathon at the end of March which simply put me over the top. Had to purchase Eurocave last month to supplement my already full units. I did attain a goal of adding a nice mix of Pinot’s over the last year, but the goal for the rest of the year is to drink it down.
Current plan is to DRINK because my 600 bottle offsite locker is full and I’m on the waiting list for a bigger one or a second. But as soon as I’m off the waiting list I plan to return to BUY mode, especially 2010 BURGUNDY ![cheers [cheers.gif]](/uploads/db3686/original/2X/0/0ff9bfcdb0964982cd3240b6159868fbdf215b1a.gif)
I too find that I am having difficulty matching the rate of my consumption to the rate of collection. Fortunately I have a son who is 24, has a great palate and an interest in wine, and who has volunteered to help escalate the rate of consumption! Joking aside… it is a wonderful thing that we collect a consumable product… otherwise it would become impossible! The important thing is not to deprive oneself by allowing the collection instinct to get in the way of the consumption spirit!
I’ve got around 600+ bottles.
My consumption has slowed dramatically since the divorce a couple years ago.
I have been holding steady inventory, but I really need to sell some wine off, and I hope to not add to the inventory this year.
But there are some struggling retailers here in MI that I like to support. I’ll just have to keep it to a couple cases.
Would like to get down to 400 or so bottles by end of year.
Buy little, drink a lot, sell 5-10 cases.
Having shrunk my mailing lists to 5, I am trying to make very few casual purchases. Only 1 bottle the last 3 weeks, so it’s a start. Will try to get through the next few month, and perhaps the year at that kind of rate*. A very few “mandatory” 2011 German purchases (Donnhoff GG & Hermannshohle Spatlese, Leitz Roseneck Spatlese) will mess it up a bit, but hopefully not too much.
(* Not counting magnums of Champagne which are fully endorsed by both members of the household.)
Drinking my well aged rhones, bordeaux and some burgs. I have not bought new vintage bordeaux in a long time. I buy rhones occaisonally but have a lot from the 95-04 vintages. I am backfilling burgs when I can and buying a bit of new vintage stuff. But with close to 3000 bottles, my buying has significantly decreased. Although buying less, I’m still spending quite a bit as Burgundy is not cheap.
My cellar is small - only a year’s consumption (though my wife thinks that’s too much - though she drinks it too!). So plan is to buy as much as I consume,keeping the cellar at the same level.
I’ve managed to remain in a steady state for two years.
maybe we should start a moratorium thread here like CT.
it is a support group for those on the purchase wagon.
Reducing purchases, cutting average bottle price, and rebalancing from too much CA and France toward getting to decent holdings of Italy (esp Piedmont), Oregon, German riesling, maybe some bubbles.
A timely thread for me. For whatever reason I am going to try to stop THINKING about wine as much. Less reading, less writing, less discussing, less planning (buying strategies, wine events, etc…), less dissection of tasting notes into component parts. More simple enjoying, with friends and with food. For the same reason I have finally started running without a watch. Turns out the lack of focus on splits, pace and overall time has reminded me of the pleasure of just pure running.
Goal is to maintain a small cache of bottles that are ready to drink, and replenish as necessary through auction or retail channels.
Be contrarian and buy more Bordeaux.