Wine Library TV reloaded

My comment was meant as a joke. Gary always talks about how his dream is to buy the Jets. I just meant his time is probably better spent elsewhere from an income standpoint.

I remember first stumbling onto his videos and loving it. I support anything that boosts wine drinkers’ confidence in their own palates, and lightens up things a bit.

Recently, I watched a couple shows, and there was an overload of “character” being played up. I respect the democratization of wine - Gary V certainly has been a positive force in “trusting your own tastes” - but the merchandizing of Vayniac tchotchkes turned me off.

Sorry to sound like a spoilsport. I guess hoping Gary would turn it down a notch goes against the very heart of the matter.

Piling on to the GaryV love-fest…

I came across his videos while in college. Years later I find myself working ITB and loving it!
Things that have stuck with me:

-Drinking whites at room temperature
-Not being afraid to say it when a wine isn’t good
-When talking to others, striving to be accurate and accessible without pretension
-Some great friends and mentors from the WLTV forums

Things that never rubbed off on me:
-An interest in football :slight_smile:

I watched this last night and it was great. Definitely brought back some fun memories from 10 years ago. Gary was a big influence in terms of how I approached wine and his videos were fun, informative and unintimidating. Most importantly, through WLTV I met a group of around 15-20 like minded winos that I still get together with on a regular basis. That was certainly the best takeaway for me.

I agree that this was likely a one off thing for the 10 year anniversary but hey, you never know…


He is a superb entertainer and never boring.

Thanks. That was fun. I hope he does more.


Great seeing Gary again!

Interesting as always. Glad to see Gary back into the wine world.

Gary on Vinepair.

Ha! thanks for the link- I guess I’ll have to find my Vayniac wrist bands! [wow.gif]
Interesting - thanks for the link!



Big part of me catching the wine bug. Great to see him back

Looks like it will be mainly a 1-off. It was interesting to see how his palate has changed.

Been a long time. Will have to watch this

Wine Library TV – Episode #1,002 is now out

I have known Gary since the pre-expansion Wine Library. I think he has been great force in the wine world and love his enthusiasm and passion. But am I the only one who thinks he is too old to say “sniffy-sniff”?

He’s a great guy but “sniffy-sniff” is just wrong and has been since WLTV v1.0

His summary of where the wine world has gone in 10 years is dead on accurate. In my opinion it is all for the better and he was definitely a part of it.