Wine forgotten 'in storage' at a retailer...

I recently discovered that I had wine sitting in storage at JJ Buckley, and I don’t recall ordering it, but the order invoice clearly shows I did, way back in 2009!!! 6 freakin’ bottles of 2007 Coudoulet de Beaucastel…

I’m going to have to run through those babies FAST.

I’m going to have to run through those babies FAST.

I don´t see the problem: this is at least a 15+ year-wine … it´s absolutely no hurry … so if you drink one bottle a year it´s fine …


And yet people here complain about Premier Cru delivering late! [cheers.gif]

I am sure that the retailers HATE this, but it happens all the time.

I opened one in 2014 amd it showed past its prime, simple… I don’t know about 15 years.

This has happened to me as well. The problem is that I frequently order wine AFTER drinking wine…

Like finding a crisp Benjamin in your winter jacket pocket.

I drank through a case of the 07 Coudoulet with the last bottle a year ago. The wine has time to further develop. As an anecdote, I believe at a Beaucastel dinner about 7 years ago, we had a late 90s Coudoulet which was less deep than its bigger brother but in no means falling apart.

I actually drank a 1990 last year and it was surprisingly drinking very well.

I don’t have a ton of experience/reference points for the wine so yrmv, but it was damn tasty to me.

My comment regarding drinking through them quickly has to do with the most recent notes on CT regarding this wine. I’d be quite happy if that were not the case!

Taste one right away and decide. My money is on they have more life than that- however that is based on experience with previous years such as 04,05,06 vs. 07 specifically.

A few weeks ago I received a bill from JJ BUCKLEY for storage. Called them up and had a 6 pack of 08 Bertheau Chambolle 1er sitting there since 2011. I had no idea the wine was in or recall ever even buying. Delicious BTW.

Same here - they tried to charge my card $1.50 for storage but it was declined (probably because it was a card I haven’t had for 7 years?). No clue why the wine wasn’t shipped at that time, as I don’t think it was a futures purchase, but I’d rather it have been your wine than '07 Coudoulet.

That happens to me periodically. Part of the problem is that I use a secondary web-based email account for my online purchases and registrations, so I don’t get a bunch of spam in my home and work emails.

That works very well for the most part, but the downside is that if Retailer X sends an email once a year saying “we are waiting for instructions from you in order to ship your wines you bought years ago,” I probably won’t see it.

This post has prompted me to go through my CC statements and pdf receipts for JJB and 1-2 others and make sure I have what has been paid for. Maybe yes, maybe no…

Thanks for the topic. To Quote Gomer Pyle - “surprise, surprise, surprise”

This happened to me at Chambers St maybe around 2007/8. I totally forgot about the purchase and had no records. Even after noting this ( I am an honest guy) they assured me the wine was mine. 2001 H. Lignier Clos de la Roche.

After going through my wine purchases, there was one I forgot about that I had to arrange shipping for - but that was only 4 or 5 months old.

That would be hard for me to forget about! You must drink WAY above my pay grade. [cheers.gif]

Well…I found the source for this ages-old purchase…

I actually LOL’ed to find it, right here on the forum, some 7 years ago!!

Just wait until some 16 year old you’ve never met before wants to meet ‘dad.’
