Wine dinner/event investment fraud scheme - Omar Khan

Someone suggested in 2016 that I meet Omar Khan.
I exchanged emails with Omar and I met him once.
We talked about dinners that I could organize for him.
We did not go far and our exchanges stopped in 2017.
Nothing in our discussions could lead to suspicion, because we did not go far.

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Anybody know or hear of this guy?

We’ve now merged 4 separate new threads on this topic. I’ve changed the subject line in the initial post so it’s more obvious.

Sorry C Had not noticed previous threads.

Damn, Omar Khan was my favorite 12th century poet and mathematician. Cakebread even named that interesting wine after him.

How sad to see him stoop to this.

Like Frederick Douglas, getting more recognition these days though.

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A fantastic piece in Grub Street detailing the L’Affaire du Khan

Curnonsky sounds interesting!


Great article. What a sociopath.

“There are groups where it’s six guys — and it’s all guys — who get together and drink $100,000 worth of wine in one night,

Wrong. It’s not always only guys.

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