It’s time to start the Wine Berserkers Monthly Featured Winery program, and we’ve lined up three wineries that are diverse in winemaking styles and geography to start us out.
This thread features Biggio Hamina winery of McMinnville, OR, with winemaker Todd Hamina (dudes named Todd are awesome)
Tapping into the best aspects of BerserkerDay and our Special Guest programs, the goal of the Wine Berserkers Monthly Featured Winery program is to have all notes and discussions for each featured winery in one thread, so please use this thread to talk with the winemaker, each other, and to post your notes once you receive your sample pack. Each winemaker is instructed to provide a sample pack (or more) that exhibits his or her winemaking style, and as a community, our job is to give feedback, notes, ask questions, and be as honest and participatory as can be. Not only does the community have an opportunity to discover the ins and outs of a new winery and/or winemaker, but the winemakers have a chance to dig into the reactions and feedback of a very diverse and large community. Hopefully our thousands of lurkers will also be encouraged to step out and join the discussion!
Biggio Hamina’s offers:
Three Pack Sampler:
2008 XIV $25
2009 Willamette Valley Pinot noir $25
2009 Zenith vineyard Pinot noir $36
Total $86 less 15% ($12.90) is $73.10 plus shipping
Six Pack Sampler:
2009 Amity vineyard Riesling $17
2008 XIV (Syrah/Viognier blend) $25
2007 Deux Vert vineyard Pinot noir $36
2008 Deux Vert vineyard Pinot noir $36
2009 Willamette Valley Pinot noir $25
2009 Zenith vineyard Pinot noir $36
Total $175 discounted 15% ($26.25) for $148.75 plus shipping
BONUS OFFER: All Berserkers who purchase Biggio Hamina wine after this feature (provided they also participate in the feature by buying a sampler pack or two) receive 15% off their repeat purchases for the remainder of 2012 by using the code Berserkers!!
To order, use this URL (on really cool webpages created specifically for this offer)
For the 3-pack:
For the 6-pack:
Todd, if you’ll be so kind as to start us out and tell us more about Biggio Hamina, your winemaking style, and any other pertinent information that you feel would be valuable to give those who order some background information. I know you are traveling now, so perhaps hit up this thread when you return.
Berserkers, purchase your sample packs, and when you receive them, drink up, and post your notes here. In the interim, feel free to pose your questions to Todd (not me, Todd Hamina) and the rest of the Wine Berserkers community!
And we begin!