Wine and Politics

Yes, but they avoid Burgundy and buy domestic! [rofl.gif]

Then again given the politics of California and Oregon, maybe not.

And 600 seat opera houses…


“…serious political discord continues…”

Am I missing something? You mean the trade tensions between the US and Europe with some wine tarifs?

I don’t see wine prices tied to politics, just as the economy doesn’t seem to be either.
Wine prices do, however, seem to follow the economy, though. If you fear an economic downturn on the horizon, the 2008 recession had a significant (but short-term) impact on high-end wine auction prices.

Another thought- if selling Napa wines, one might consider fire impacts. 2019 vintage releases will be reduced as some lost their bottles/barrels in cellar. 2020 vintage supply will be tighter still with many Wineries declassifying entire vineyards for smoke taint.

Only if red wines.