Why Haven't The Food Police Critiqued Starbucks?

Totally agree.

Then, what used to be only a noun has evolved via common usage into a verb also, meaning that I stand corrected. Thank you.

Surely a mayor who cares about the well-being of his constituency could do something to help!

This one page thread has everything that makes WineBerserkers great. Thank you, all!

I do object to Starbucks being worthy of inclusion in epicurean exploits, violates the spirit of Epicureanism.

Without a single mention yet of the EPL, Mark Squires, or the scientific data behind decanting? Surely you jest!
Walk alone, my friend. Walk alone.


And just in case the frappamoccacinos don’t kill you…

I have a friend who teaches 8-9 year olds. She was having problems with one of the girls and was having a 3rd parent teacher conference with the girls mom. My friend explains to the students mom that her child was having a really hard time sitting still and focusing in the mornings but gets better through out the day. It was a problem and a distraction for the other kids in the morning. The mom said she was sorry and was going to threaten to take away the kids morning starbucks if she didn’t learn how to better behave. My teacher friends says “what a sec, what is she getting at starbucks in the morning”. The mom says “oh she loves the mocha extra wipe cream whatever, but I order it decaf because she is a kid”. Teacher says “ahhhh have you ever thought the problem might be that you are giving your 8 year old a 1000 calorie sugar bomb before dropping her off to school everyday”. The mom gets upset as says “who are you to tell me what my daughter can have for breakfast”.

You can’t make that ish up. How can you give a kid that every morning? What a bad habit to form. Of course my friends said both mom and daughter are as heavy as you can imagine so the mom is just passing her bad habits on. Sad.

To bastardize the sports expression: You can’t coach Stupid.

And on top of that, there is the insolence at the sound advice proffered by the teacher.

I am not at all a Nanny State proponent, but if adults are incapable of showing any restraint or judgment, I do start to wonder…

Did you renew your subscription?


Starbucks used to be OK with Mike, but now they will let just anybody use the toilet.

They ‘food police’ (whatever that is) has gone after Starbucks. Remember, just because you haven’t seen something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

There’s also the fact the basic beverage in question, coffee, is pretty benign, and not really worthy of a ‘food police’ takedown.

And yes Victor, it is the government’s job to prevent people from doing stupid things to themselves. That’s why airbags, seatbelts, and now backup cameras are all mandated on new vehicles. Practically, of course, you can’t mandate everything, but calorie counts on menus are a great start.

We can also rely on the federal govt to invest for us in the form of Social Security. The only problem is that miniscule 1+% real annual return (assuming it will be there for us), compared to about 10% for US equities for the past century.

The inflation-adjusted return of equities over the last century isn’t 10% or even approximately 10%, nor is that the right benchmark to compare social security returns against.

The S&P 500 has returned about 7% per year since 1928 when adjusted for inflation. Real returns of a properly divsersified portfolio are probably closer to what? 4-5% at most?

It doesn’t change your point that SS returns suck, but the comparison of 1% vs 10% isn’t one based in reality.

That is a fair point. It should be apples/apples. Average inflation the past century has been 2-3%, so let’s call “real” US equity returns more like 7.5%. As you point out, it still doesn’t alter the clear conclusion.

One could argue over what exactly constitutes a “properly diversified portfolio”. I am an equity investor, so I used public equities.

I think you two are in the wrong thread.