Who to visit in Sonoma who makes restrained wines?

Peay’s vineyards are waaaay up the coast. Absolutely gorgeous and worth the trip (so picturesque).

But, they have a tasting room in Cloverdale…about 35 minutes from Littorai.

Fred Scherrer’s wines are just superb. True to their terroir and never over ripe. Try to make an appointment but remember … he’s busy making wine right now.

Here is his latest newsletter (from yesterday).

Fred is in Sebastopol, close to Littorai.

+1. Love the wines, and had a nice visit there last week. Appt only.

Hey Rasoul - We would be delighted to have you stop by the vineyard while you are in the area. If you would like to make an appointment, send me a note: mike[at]inmanfamilywines.com.

Either way, have a great trip - there are several good suggestions in this thread.

+1 on Swan!

Excellent list. Just missing Inman and Swan.

Definitely Copain as mentioned but I also really enjoyed a tasting I did at Lynmar Estate…beautiful grounds, great people and very good pinot.


I agree - a few years back another ITB person and I went (he scheduled everything, and I was happily along for the ride). We had a very high end tasting outside, paired with a few small dishes. It was gorgeous. But I would never, ever put their wines in the “restrained” category. I have room in my cellar and heart (and mouth!) for wines of many styles, so have purchased Lynmar. But restrained? I think not. Not as I expereince them.


Very true points and agreed…just thought I would selfishly throw in a personal like of mine since it was such a nice experience!

If you have time for only one, make it Hanzell.
Call and arrange a tour.
It’s fascinating and you’ll walk away knowing a lot more about the history of CA pinot and chard.

You have no idea how gratifying your response is. I am having the week from hell, and wondered if I had just completely lost it [wow.gif] .

Just came back from the Arnot-Roberts pick up day/party and they poured their 3 Pinots Legan, Peter Martin Ray and Coastlands. 2 Chards, Trout Gulch and Watson. A Trousseau, North Coast Syrah and a Gamay partnership with Raj Parr called RPM.
As for the Chard and PN back up the fricken truck. Especially the Trout Gulch and PMR yet they were all great in their own right. Santa Cruz Mountains steals the show!