For me, its Montevertine followed closely by Il’ Poggione. I love Montevertine’s old school, let the terroir show, approach as opposed to here comes another 99 Pt wine from celebrity winemaker X. Il Poggionne is a very close 2nd for me and simular in style.
Based upon bottles in my cellar, it’s Felsina by a landslide. Although I do have multiple vintages of Ciacci, Pertimali and Conti Costanti as well.
Bought some 06 Pertimali but haven’t tried one yet.
Pretty spendy, no?
A) that wasn’t the question. B) compared to Soldera, no.
Felsina at lots of different price points.
Gotta admit that Fontodi’s Flaccianello has blown my doors of several times.
Felsina by bottle count, certainly, but I haven’t liked less the fewer bottles of Pertimali that I’ve tried.
Chad, how long does it take to get past the oak and back to the fruit? I own some of the 04s if i remember right?
By bottle count:
San Giusto a Rentannano
Conti Costanti
Producers I wish I had more of
Poggio di Sotto
Soldera and Montevertine hands down.
Poggio Di sotto