Which Rhys to try?

2007 Alpine or 2009 Family Farm?

I really wish I had older ones… :frowning:


The 09 Family Farm. The 07 Alpine was being held in a closed fisted stemmy grip last time I had it.

was this the one we had at aaron’s? if so I agree, do not open. Don’t know when it’ll peak out of it’s shell but it’s tight/brooding right now.

Give the FF plenty of air, though. Pop and pour is a no-go.

Not the '09 Family Farm unless you open it and let it breathe the day before you drink it.

Good question. I do not remember but I did have it at another dinner a couple months back. I haven’t had a wine that closed in a long time. I would agree with others that the Family Farm could use some air if it is to be served.

Had an 08 Alpine a couple weeks ago and with some air it was very accessible already. Wanted to try one to decide on buying this year and lets just say I’ll be buying all that I can. It was really fantastic.

I had the 09 Family Farm yesterday. Decant for 2-3 hours and enjoy. I mean waiting might be preferable, but I needed to at least try one before buying again, and it was pretty great.

great advice. will try the FF tomorrow. decant it at noon I suppose. :slight_smile: