Where's the most inappropriate place you've taken the time to write a tasting note?

My wife and I are set to deliver our second baby here in the next few weeks, and we’re doing it at home this time around. Because of this it popped in my head the other day that I’d open something special on the day of the kid’s (we don’t know the sex) birth. I immediately caught myself thinking about writing a tasting note, and promptly delivered a quick self-scolding. Thinking how ridiculous it would be if I actually took the time to consider a wine on the day of my kid’s birth, I got to wondering what the most inappropriate venue you folks here may have used to write a tasting note. Funeral? Birth? Break-up dinner? Let’s hear em!

Sidenote: I realized that opening anything worth a damn on this day would be a waste. My head is clearly not going to be in wine appreciation mode. Cheap bubbles it is!

EDIT: Yikes, guess I should have seen this one coming. Title edited twice already, and will probably have to try and fix it again…

Small of the back.

This could get … ummmmmmmm … how do you say? … ugly?

In the butt-

Newlywed Game anyone?

At? Really?

I think it would be interesting to hear from spouses on this one.

Abu Ghraib

What exactly were you tasting?


Please tell me it was Beaucastel.

I don’t drink and tell…


It was actually about 8 1/2 months ago…on your wife’s back. I wrote:

“Remind her to call her husband to not drive home drunk from that crazy Wine Berzerker Offline!”



Seriously, congrats and good luck with the rest of the responses here!

AA meeting.

A woman’s inner thigh.

Just taking a break? newhere