When Style Outweighs Place (AFWE Cali)

TG Chard + Rose is pretty good

If a wine can evolve (over time) in interesting ways in the glass…then imo that’s a wine that’s earned it’s keep. Whether I think it’s interesting and like where it starts out and how it evolves is more my problem I think, esp wrt ripe/extracted vs lean/restrainted styles.

In the vineyard, imo, a lot of this comes from a not uncommon discussion about the fruit as harvest approaches: are the sugars ahead of the flavors, or are the flavors ahead of the sugars. I think when you pick matters a lot. But I think this matters more, and I think it determines most of the game, cuz catching up and/or overtaking your opponent is rare (but not unheard of, of course). Fortunately, I think how the vines are pruned/trellised and how the weather is during the spring can change things a lot.

I’m sure there’s a good way to end this…but I can’t think how :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, when I said “But to the the OP’s point,” I was responding to the OP’s suggestion that the low alcohol California wines taste the same as each other. It wasn’t addressed to your comments.

Maybe better practice for me to have made separate posts.

I do find myself quickly tiring of whole-cluster low alcohol wines (Pinot & Syrah mostly), regardless of place. While certainly a fan of elegant and ethereal wines, rather than expressing any kind of profundity it does seem that the fruit isn’t ripe enough to handle the stems and it just becomes thin and hollow high-toned red berries with a layer of woody bramble makeup caked on top.

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