What's your favorite foodie web site for . . .





I like to look at this one!!

These are the main sites we use for recipes. I am sure there are a million more, but this is all I can think of off the top of my head. Enjoy! -mJ


http://gojee.com (for the “I have ingredient X and need some ideas” times)
http://seriouseats.com sometimes…
http://smittenkitchen.com for a food blog that does a recipe per post with a high hit rate of “hmm, i should try that”-ness.


Excellent site that features many different blogs. Basically, if you have a blog and make it on tastespotting, you are doing something! Plus the blog’s author drinks some seriously awesome wine.

This one
This one
This one
And this one

newhere [snort.gif]

Jorge, don’t let Bob Wood see that list or you’ll have blood on your hands! [wink.gif]