What percentage of the cost of a wine cellar do you get back when you sell your house?

Did you just not dig the cellar layout, or what was the negative to you? I’d figure a legit cellar would be a plus for most of us on this board, even if you have to do some remodeling.

I dont want to settle for a cellar that’s not exactly what I want and it’s hard to justify building a cellar when you already have one.

Could make the same argument for a house.

Pretty much 99 percent of buyers will be looking to convert into something useful for them so I would think it’s a negative. But you could get lucky and find someone in the 1 percent?

But isn’t it nice to have a ‘head start’ in terms of the insulation, cooling unit, etc? We may be looking to move in the near term and if we don’t end up building/scraping an existing property, I feel like any sort of cellar would be a plus for me and I can get creative as needed with the remodeling.

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As I said in the other thread, most northern places don’t need that. I have 0 insulation and my cellar holds 55 degrees in the heat of summer with the cool f from the overhead AC ducting.

Ahhhh, gotcha! We def don’t have that luxury in AZ, ha!

Do you have a generator?

I’m not sure if that’s true. But subtracting a bedroom to create a wine room will definitely not add value!

Every realtor I’ve ever talked to would agree.

They say there are only three variables which matter:

  1. School District

  2. Heated Square Footage

  3. Age of the Structure

You can have solid gold hardware fixtures throughout the domicile, the finest Italian marble in every bathroom, a view to Alcatraz & back, etc etc etc, but it ain’t gonna make a dime’s worth of difference in the final selling price.

PS: Everyone hates OLD.

Old is gross & disgusting & yucky & creepy & just downright WEIRD.

Only total losers live in old houses.

You need a new realtor buddy.

What percentage of the cost of his toilet will Mark B get back when he sells his apartment?

Haha we specifically wanted houses built in the gilded age (of which there are hundreds in western PA) but didn’t end up with one, unfortunately. Our house was built in the early post-war period with similar size/room style though.

Quality of construction in that period was just much higher; if the electric and other things have been updated relatively recently then you have much better bones.

Deduction from sales price for the cost of a new toilet installed. The overall price reduction based on disgust is hard to measure. HGTV has tons of shows on this if you’re looking to waste time.

That’s a big ask for a realtor, just saying.

Btw listings in western PA on realtor don’t even include square footage.

If a homeowner with a wine cellar took the racks and cooling unit out of whatever cellar they had, I’d discount too. I can understand removing AV equipment that’s not built in, but chairs and speakers? That’s just stoopid. As I would for a wine cellar, I’d make it optional (e.g., “theater room equipment conveys, but will be removed by seller at buyer’s option.”)

Yes! the guy ripped everything out and then bragged about spending $100K on the room. In contrast I saw $10K minimum in projector, screen, chairs. probably more like $25K frankly.

Nailed it! And older hones tend to have much more character IMHO. Give me an older house that’s updated any day of the week.

When I bought my house I was definitely looking for one with an included underground cellar … wouldn’t have bought one without … but also didn t pay a premium for it.
Sure I had to put in racking etc. myself, but it’s only 14°C in summer, perfect.
If you can find a wine lover it might be the decision point, but otherwise … no plus.