What makes you smile after a bad day?

Rich - record it sometime. You’ll be thankful later…and heck, I’d like to hear what a 3 year old was up to all day!

Um, there’s a bottle of port on the top of the fridge. Is that purposeful? You know, pick a nice warm area where the fridge exhaust goes past, the same spot where a constant vibration is taking place from a refrigerant motor, and store some port on it!

Only you would pick that out… Maybe it’s for quick aging

It’s an empty bottle! (77 fonseca by the way…was awesome!)

I was actually looking at the Mondavi in the fridge and wondering if it was a chard or fume blanc…that and the caramel sauce! YUM! Love that stuff! -mJ

Poor Zach, everyone looks past him to get at his fridge. Don’t worry bud, you’re a handsome man nonetheless. [rofl.gif]

that was a Fume Blanc - we made risotto with it…although, in all honesty it really wasn’t too bad

Luckily I don’t have too many bad days. One might be beating the street all day with a sales rep and hearing from buyers why they don’t want to buy my wine. Those days I get home about 8:00 pm pretty drained. Another bad day would be a harvest day. Starting at 5:00 am and feeling like I’ve run wild all day long. If I’m lucky those end around 6:00 pm and then what makes me happy is a good strong G&T and about 5 minutes in the hot tub to loosen up the kinks.
