What is the meaning of your wine hobby?

Maybe it all adds up to deeper meaning.



That’s deep man.

Greg could be the Roger Scruton of the wine boards.

“I drink, therefore I am.”

There are different aspects of wine I enjoy in different ways (social, intellectual, pleasure, travel), but there’s no “meaning” to it any more than there is to my interest in watching 22 men on tv kick a ball around a grass field every weekend.

I rather think Greg is whether or not he drinks, is his point. :slight_smile:

+1. You are correct Mike

Yeah, I can see it now

The distant red neon shivered in the heat

Greg was feeling like a stranger in a strange land

You know where people play games with the night

God, it was too hot to sleep

He followed the sound of a jukebox coming from up the levee

All of a sudden he could hear somebody whistling

From right behind him

Greg turned around and she said

“Why do you always end up down at Wine Berserkers?”

He said "I don’t know, the wind just kind of pushed me this way. No meaning and no purpose. I like wine. So I drink it. That’s all.

I like to read. I like chocolate. I like to garden. I like to travel. I like to visit friends. No deeper meaning to any of those either.“

She said “You’re such an oenihilist.”


Somewhere down that crazy river? [wink.gif]

The hobby turned into a business, meaning it’s my turn to pick what we are drinking with dinner tonight. Menu this evening, Chinese.

There is so much that I enjoy about wine, but I’ve never though of it as a hobby.

Wine to me is like a time capsule, a vehicle that values age, a sense of another place and moment.
The smell of sandalwood, the voice of Walter Cronkite narrating Gemini or Apollo, the heat from the tarmac after the 2nd tour in Viet Nam, the music on the radio, the movie at the cinema, 1st kiss, 1st kid, 1st grandkid, another surgery and the last funeral.

There aren’t many things that people think improve with age, or that they value when they get old, or even frail or fragile.
I was having a conversation with a 25’ish old who asked me what the fuck is so good about getting old?

Now it ain’t so great getting old, but it might suck to think you decline in value to your self or others.

Maybe we should only drink our old wines with old fuckers, never shared it with the millenials. Grey Panthers!