These were included in a lot that I won at a recent Acker auction. I can’t tell from anything I’ve been able to find on line exactly what I bought. That includes a look at all the Massandra wines on CellarTracker … no matches. The labels are a lot slicker than those on the bottles of the original Massandra Collection wines that Mitchell Nathanson brought into the country 15–20 years ago. Combined with the fact that these are NV, I suspect I didn’t hit the jackpot here, but I’d sure like to know what I got.
Everyone is free to buy from whomever they wish, but not sure we (Berserkers) should be supporting Acker, especially the auction side of the business.
Bought from Acker, who knows what’s inside…
Various levels produced by Massandra, but even quite modest wines can be interesting
I can’t say for sure, but at a Massandra Collection tasting back in 2000, I think this was one of the entry level sweet wines. Should be delicious, probably not super special or rare. The tasting featured vintage stuff back to the early 20th century, one of the highlights of my wine life.
NV Massandra Muscat White Muscat - Ukraine, Crimea (12/8/2009)
with almond cake. Light gold. Nice apricot nose. Kind of lost after the two Sauternes. A nice light not too sweet Muscat. Nice to know that my people (the Ukranians) make wine. Decent if a bit uninteresting.
Posted from CellarTracker
I’ve heard of Massandra but never had one of their wines; were they a co-op, or state run enterprise?
I have drunk several old wines of the Massandra collection, all very old.
They are great wines.
It was a state run enterprise and still is.
They continue to make young wines as this one.
the wines that I have drunk :
Vin de Massandra Tokay 1895
Livadia White Muscat Massandra Collection 1905
Massandra Tokaj Al Danil 1923
White Muscat Livadia Massandra Collection 1928
Vin de Crimée de la Collection Massandra Al Danil Tokay 1931
Massandra Gurzuf White Muscat 1931
Massandra Cahors (cabots) Ayu Dag 1933
Muscat rosé Gurzuf Collection Massandra 1935
Massandra White Muscat (Massandra Collection) 1936
Massandra muscat rose Gurzuf 1939
Massandra Pedro Ximenez 1945
Massandra 1945
Red Port Collection Massandra 1947
Vin de Massandra, Madère, Collection Massandra (19°) 1953
Le 7ème ciel du Prince Golitzine, vin de Massandra 2006
Here is what I wrote on the 1928 White Muscat :
At the opening, the White Muscat Livadia Massandra Collection 1928 appeared to me much stricter than what I expected. This is no longer the case now. The wine is warm, sweet, seductive. It is very muscat but also reminiscent of wines of straw (vin de paille). Prunes, plums and brown fruits dominate in a marvelous taste that age. With madeleines and a hint of balsamic vinegar, it is a sin of gluttony that this wine with oriental languor, crazy sex appeal.
And here is what I wrote about the youngest one :
On the dessert we taste The 7th sky of Prince Golitzine, wine of Massandra 2006. What a strange wine! It feels like a strawberry coulis. The suggestions of red roses flood the nostrils. One feels in the most consumed lust and wine divinely accompanies the millefeuille. It is quite likely that this wine is not made to age. In the virginity of its nakedness, it is a wine of an exacerbated sensuality, unparalleled in the taste palette of the muscats of which it has the structure and the plot.