What bottle of Sine Qua Non should I open for the Superbowl?

I knew it, I knew it! It’s genetic! And there is definitive proof:


What took you so long.

My parents didn’t drink wine. So there was no way to test the theory…

I suggest, therefore, that it is nurture, not nature. Otherwise, you wouldn’t drink wine either.

98’ Antagonist! No pun intended

So Jay which SQN did you decide on? Cheers and enjoy the game!

I’m going with the Stein Grenache. Slow ox’d it since 9 am. I think I’ll go down to the cellar and start pouring. One of the advantages of only having 6 people, one of whom can’t drink due to a drug regimen, is that I can open enough good stuff without breaking the bank.

Moreimportantly, which Saxum ?

Seems like a 2007 would be the way to go

1999 Marauder, with the Ty Cobb/ Fred Lindstrom World Series label image. The complexity of the blend mirrors a Super Bowl playbook. The label symbolizes the idea of a great competition for a championship.

2007 Heart Stone after 2012 Bionic Frog.

Tasting note on the Heartstone please

Wonderful - double fruit layer, great complexity, just starting to come into its own. Mourvedre meatyness. More later. Tough choice between then SQN Stein, the 2012 Bionic Frog and the 2007 Saxum Heart Stone. An embarrassment of riches.