Popped open a '21 OVZ last night. Since the last time I popped one open these took a huge jump in evolution. Didn’t take any TNs down since I was watching Die Hard to get myself into the Christmas mood, but the glass nicely evolved over the duration of the movie.
He did, as did the lady of the house. She loves Bedrock. I popped a 2012 Papera for him two nights ago as well, quite a winner. Love them with maturity.
Did you pop and pour or decant? Someone upthread recently posted that the bottle of 18 OHR they opened was pretty tight/shut down so I haven’t opened either of mine. Curious if that was a one off, other 18s I’ve had are starting to drink pretty well.
It was p’n’p, there was a lot bundled up in it but I’m glad I opened it. Kinda like the ‘19 Monte Rosso the night before, I need to know what I have before I just sit on the bottles blindly. Every stage offers differing levels of development.
2019 Gibson Ranch. Bit of a monster, any air you can get it will be appreciated, seemed locked down right now. Dark fruit and a ton of structure on this, best days ahead.
It was a Bedrocking New Years Eve! From the library release. Special thanks to Jill at Bedrock for ensuring these got to me after a shipping mishap with UPS or FedEx. All were fantastic and ready to drink!
19’ Old Hill Whole Cluster. Damn this wine has a transitioning, long finish that keeps going well after swallowing. Not sure if Morgan was playing around with extra fruit or if this is something they’ll make again; I’d say make it again. This wine is a winner.