What Bedrock wine are you drinking tonight?

Why would you open that?

Just saw your second post…

I mean…we didnt want to say it.

Its ok though. We’ll allow you to continue posting :wink:


Me thinks some explanation may be in order.

I was having a fine day. Slaying dragons, dispensing with paid wisdom by each click of the minute. My wife at the beach, golfing tennis’ng or whatever she does there, decided to head back home tonight. I’m enjoying a fine, matured Bordeaux. In she prances, dogs in tow. And demands, “I need some red wine, do you have any Bedrock?” That’s verbatim right there. Unlike me, she likes them young, prolly reminds her of youth and my advancing age. So out I come with this 2021. It really is a travesty to open this now. It’s just full on primary. She loved it, so I guess that’s good. I drank a glass then went back to my more refined Bordeaux. Give this wine ten years. Seriously.

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Tapped my last box of Ode to Lulu. Already a long week, and I had a win at the end of the day.

I think we need to check that these are actually 3 liters.


Yeah…… about that……


This dynamic happens verbatim in my household (minus the dispensing wisdom of course).

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Had my last 2016 Dolinsek over the last two nights. Dolinsek is the wine that started my obsession with Bedrock. This is in a wonderful spot - full of fruit, acid, and bramble. I like Dolinsek older than some people but I believe this has plenty of life left.


2022 Old Vine Zinfandel

Already very Claret-like at this early age. Beautiful and balanced and the bottle disappeared very quickly!


Timely note as we just finished drinking through our ‘21s!

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You guys need to age them more! I opened my 16th bottle of the 2019 OVZ 5 days ago, saved half a bottle for this weekend, and it’s still going well.


It’s so hard to hold onto the OVZ’s when they drink so well young.


I don’t disagree with you! Sadly I’ve only been buying for a few years and started small, so I only had 3 ‘21. I bought 6x ‘22 and a case of ‘23 so hopefully I can age a few!

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Drank a 2019 Bedrock Carlisle Vineyard last night. Still pretty burly after 1 hour decant, really demanded to go with food. By contrast, and a 2019 Carlisle Montafi afterwards and it was liquid velvet.


Love Montafi! Probably my fave Carlisle. And i agree, they drink better earlier than most single vineyard Bedrocks. I actually Coravin’d a couple glasses of the 18 Montafi last night and they were awesome!


2022 Bedrock Wine Co. Old Hill Ranch Heritage - deep, blue/black fruits with great balance and structure. All primary at this point. Not sure this will improve with age, given how pleasurable the fruit is currently.

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This should probably be in a different forum, but the Bedrock thread is pretty one-of-a-kind; I thought I’d do more people more good here. So the PSA for anyone in the San Francisco Area… this is next Wednesday at Flatiron Wines.

Flatiron always does a great job with these. I was there for Hardy Wallace’s fantastic presentation a month ago. Anyone who loves Bedrock knows the ethos is fascinating, noble, and delicious. And anyone who knows Chris knows he’s awesome.

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Hey Brian - saw that! Are you going? Sadly, I’ll be out of town otherwise i’d def be there.

In other news, had a '19 Esola last night. Lots of great things about the wine - but the alcohol was a bit much and the flamboyance was just a touch over the top.

Hey Vince… I’ll be there if I can – coupla unsettled factors but I think it’s probable.
You likely also know Morgan and Chris are doing a takeover at The Progress the following night, and I’ll be there for that.