What are you doing to support restaurants during Covid19?

The most beneficial way I have found is to contribute to GoFundMe.

I just attempted to buy a gift certificate from a large restaurant in LA and their website kept rejecting my entries so I called them and the lady who answered the phone had to ask her manager how to deal with it and they came back with, “there’s nothing we can do including taking it over the phone”. GoFigureThat. I opted for another restaurants online Cert. which worked.

One of our local restaurants offered to sell some of their wine list and when I got the email, it listed all of their wines at "30% off". Being a champagne hound, I went there first and found 08 Dom for $280. Just before opening that email, I received one from a local retail source which listed it at $159. I just couldn’t quite support this place with wine buys as all others were way out of reason as well.

Once when this craziness is over, I/we shall dine out with much greeter frequency then before and expand our number of choices.

Buying gift cards.

We did our first takeout recently. Pics of mask wearing husband and wife team of cooks convinced be to give it a try.