I just finished looking through all the posts on the 14.2 Pinot thread and I don’t believe there was a single mention of Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. Having covered the region from the 2004 vintage through the 2009 vintage, the wines are almost always in the band of low 13% to low 14% and reflective of the wide range of conditions nature provided, moreso, I think, than the various regions of CA.
That’s because the thread is about California wine.
Actually the thread that Jay is referring to doesn’t mention California wines until Roy lists a couple of wines. The difference in Oregon is that folks make very few 15% Pinots, so there is no “high” end of the scale, at least in a alcohol sense. I have to admit though that if there is a high-alcohol Pinot in Oregon, Harvey Steiman will find it and love it - especially if someone aged it in a bunch of new oak.
Rick, it appeared pretty clear to me that Roy was talking Cali PNs. That thread is primarily about a 14.1 - 14.3% dead spot. How could there be the same dead spot in OR? I completely agree with you that the 15%+ (even > 14.5%) PNs are few and far between, atleast for an “average vintage” in the Willamette.
Why would you think that the wines of Oregon are more reflective on vintage conditions than the regions of California? If the range of alcohols are more narrow as you mentioned wouldn’t that lead someone to potntially think the opposite (btw, not 100% sure the range is more narrow…just moved down a bit).
Adam Lee
Siduri Wines