It is, that’s why I’m here with all the dicks lovers!
Woot I won something. Let me know what I need to do to get things delivered. I do live in a bubbly allowing state
Oh you won something BIG Ken! I’ll be in touch.
I just bought a medium purchase of those oh so delicious BBQ bags of Dicks. And medium works for me Lol!!
My big box o’ dicks arrived today. Surprised it came so quickly!
Big Dicks sometimes do that
Still Dick’s-less
Two Biggus Dickus have arrived. We’ll sample them tomorrow.
Same here but I blew through a bag of each already. For research of course.
The ladies at the post office couldn’t believe their eyes when I showed them your Biggus Dickus.
Had a bag of the hot Dick’s. Enjoyed them–just enough heat. But would prefer there not be artificial food dyes.
@JasonB I ordered on Beserker Day, but it doesn’t seem like my order has shipped. I’m jealous of everyone else’s Dick’s!
Thanks for asking Kamaal! Good timing, as a few others have contacted me about their orders. I’m a one-man band here at Dick’s, and I pack each and every shipment myself. I am traveling right now, back home tomorrow night. Your order is confirmed and I will resume shipping as soon as I get back to Dick’s HQ.
Thank you for your order, and for your patience. You’ll have Dick’s in your hands very soon!
Thanks for the update. I too am looking forward to getting Dicked as I’m currently Dickless. Hopefully you’ll be filling boxes of Dicks soon.