WB Q&A Session 2.0 with William Kelley, Friday 5/6 RECORDING POSTED

The one I got was the Champ Salomon because, as you say about the Longeroies, it sounded less dense than the Favières but was scored as highly by William, at least in 2019. Based on your take, I’d probably enjoy the Longeroies as well. I know Jasper isn’t quite as keen on these as William is but am not sure why. I plan to again get the Champ Salomon for 2020 when it’s available and might just try the Longeroies as well.

It’s still tiny, but there are a lot of new entrants. Much to my regret, there’s a big tasting of côteaux organized by the more serious producers happening Tuesday that I can’t attend.

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2010 La Fleur-Pétrus! Young wine for a change…

They can age and improve for a long time, too!

Because of comparatively modest pricing, I suspect a lot get drunk up on the young side, yet patience really does bear dividends.


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Sorry I missed this, Todd badgered me incessantly!

Good on you, William, for doing these things!

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Just cuz you have Covid for the 11th time doesn’t mean you can’t sign on a Zoom sesh

I didn’t wanna spread my funk to y’all!

Plus, Sir William probably would have been aggrieved to see me so disheveled, knocking him off his game.

Is there a resolution beyond 360p? I would like to enjoy Sir Kelley in high definition

Thanks for doing this, William!

one thing that you mentioned I really wanted to get your thoughts on though: and that is that I’ve always found Bordeaux far harder to approach in youth than Piedmont wines. I thought it was fascinating that you enjoy and are carving this niche in Bordeaux reviewing, but talked about the massive structure in Nebbiolo as a reason for not getting as into that region. I was just wondering if you could comment on this a little bit? what do you do to make Bordeaux more approachable when tasting? because I’ll admit approachability is a big part of the reason my cellar is something like 1/3 Italian wines but I only own 3 bottles of Bordeaux!

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Maybe another ‘duh’ moment for me, but where can I find the recording of this ?

I seriously hope you are kidding.

And he had prepared for all those Ovid questions…

Finally got around to the video. Thank you! Although I drink very little Burgundy, and not too much Bordeaux, it is great to hear such humility with such knowledge. I should have listened to you sooner and caught you in Zurich for the Burgundy tasting! Thank you again.

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Next time!

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