Visit to Madeira

Having spent some time there, do you happen to have any idea how likely Mario Fernandes is going to be there if we just show up? I sent them an email asking whether he was available during our trip, telling I’d love to see the vineyards and the cellar, but haven’t received any reply.

I assume we need to book a tour beforehand if we want to see the stuff they grow there. Any idea if it’s necessary to book a table as well for lunch?

If you want to see the adega, you will need to book ahead. Mario is usually around, but he’s the only one with a key to the adega. He’s retired from his electrical engineering job (he used to run the island’s power plant) and spends his time running the estate. As I said, he lives there now. He does go visit his kids and grandkids every now and again, and he spent a month in the US prepandemic. You might try giving them a call. The vineyards are scattered around the estate and you can wander around as you like. There’s also bananas, fruits, and vegetables. Go for a swim in the ocean. For lunch, weekdays are generally not crowded. Weekends may need a reservation. It’s a very informal place. Get a Coral beer, lapas (limpets), and grilled tuna. Ask if they still have any banana cake and have a slice with the fruit icecream.

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We didn’t arrange it ahead of time but lucked out that he was around for about an hour before catching a flight to the mainland, and obliged us. Would definitely recommend trying to make arrangements with them.

Another note, we forgot to purchase some sample bottles before we left the Faja, and simply called and asked for them. They sent them up the lift for us to the guard shack and we collected and paid for them there.

Yes, it’s a very informal and friendly atmosphere there. Perfect to relax. I left my camera after checking out. One of the workers found it, and Mario brought it to me himself in Funchal.