Have had a niggling sore throat all week. Tried to kill it off earlier in the week whilst up on the Gold Coast with a mate of mine who is Fevre Fiend. He pumped numerous bottles into me and whilst the cooling minerality of 07 Vaillons, 07 Fourchaume ‘Vaulorent’ and 08 ‘Les Clos’ offered temporary relief it still lingered, until Roulot that is. Roulot is generally a vinous throat lozenge, it is jam packed full of vitamin C, the citrus goodness clears away the sniffle whilst the minerality and hint of butter soothes the most raw of sore throats.
2009 Domaine Guy Roulot Meursault Les Luchets - France, Burgundy, Côte de Beaune, Meursault (3/15/2012)
There’s just a hint of honeysuckle that points one to 2009 but all other attributes are cool, citrussy, minerally and precise. It has great rocky detail in the mouth and serious line. There’s a small dollop of butter and cream through which the brisk acidity cuts through leaving one’s breath fresh and invigorated.
Posted from CellarTracker