I noticed that there are some single vineyard wines from Ghemme and Gattinara, but I couldn’t find any maps. Need help!
Hi Charlie
Cantalupo have one that probably covers all there is in Ghemme - it’s not a big DOCG region
p.s. when we’re in the area, we stay at Il Cavenago (that faint red mark above the V in Cavenago (vineyard)). Wonderful meals, though the driveway is a little steep/rugged. Definitely recommended for meals and to stay there. The only other downside is that the breakfasts don’t make enough use of their home-grown produce.
I had a really fantastic meal last week at Trattoria dei Commercianti in Borgomanero. First time having donkey. Killer wine list. The daughter has an Italian somm cert.
Hi Paul
Was it braised? The braised donkey I had in Ghemme was superb. Odd that I find the smell of horsemeat too offputting to eat it, but found the donkey delicious.
I’ll make a note of that reataurant - we hope to be in the region again next year.
Yes, I’ve only ever seen donkey ground and braised in red wine. I highly recommend the restaurant.
Thank you. I tried to enter some of the vineyards. Please check Weinlagen
Hi Charlie
I’m on holiday at the moment, so difficult to check and compare with a tablet… Much easier with my dual monitor setup at home
Will try to rememberto return here when back home
Thank you Ian
Hi Charlie
I’m confident that the attached ‘snip’ of your map represents Cavenago vineyard, because we’ve stayed there and it also looks to be the logical extent of what is attached to what is now the Il Cavenago agriturismo.
Thus working directly down from it should then be Locche and Baraggiola, though I must admit I’ve only seen Cavenago bottled as a SV wine (by the modest but charming/welcoming/hospitable Mirù).
Livelli looks spot on based on it’s position related to Cavenago.
Argh! lost my post . Just the links instead:
I VIGNETI | Torraccia del Piantavigna have good listing of their vineyards plus aliases / dialect names in both Ghemme and Gattinara
Platinetti and Rovelotti mention Ronco Maso vineyard but I can’t find that
Tourist office, may be able to help further http://www.terrenovaresi.it/info-e-recapiti/
Molsino and Lurghe vineyard locations on this map (attached), but might need to use them just as a ‘pin’ to then work out the extent of the vineyard.
Enoteca di Gattinara may be able to help there info@enotecaregionaledigattinara.it
Some Gattinara vineyards.pdf (616 KB)
Masnaghetti has now produced a map of Gattinara vineyards, see www.enogea.it.
So far only on paper.
Hi Gilberto
I do like the 3D styled map - really nice.
Cavenago added Weinlagen
Interesting article on Jancis website (free to access) on the process that Masnaghetti undertook to develop the Gattinara maps. Some nice insight into the process and extra context on some of the vineyards, worth a look.
Very nice article! Thanks.
Masnaghetti’s work is indeed outstanding in completeness, accuracy, usage experience and design. If someone is deeply interested in a particular wine region covered in his maps, it is a must to buy and use them.
In my humble opinion, these maps should be offered for free. Not by Masnaghetti, of course, but the wine regions (producer associations, tourist offices etc) should buy them from Masnaghetti and offer them for free.