Used Eurocave Advice

Thinking of buying used Eurocave for sale near me. Not sure of age. They are asking $1,000

I would check out the search for eurocave. Couple ppl were detailed on the questions to ask and advice previously obtained. There are a couple gold standard threads for checklist and questions… and also several with questions and fixes that ppl made to address issues encountered on old eurocaves.

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Anyone familiar with this particular model?

I love how people quote the new price and what a great deal you are getting when they are selling a unit that is 20 years old. Apples and oranges. The two big concerns I have from my experience buying used coolers are:

a) Is it currently being used or has it sat warm for weeks/months? It might have worked fine a while ago, but sitting unused can lock things up in a unit that old and then you get it home and it starts up and seems to work fine, but dies very soon.

b) How are you going to move it? The compressor has springs on the inside that control vibration. They might be fine and then you go move it and tip it sideways and jostle it around and one of them breaks. Now it rattles and you can’t fix it other than replacing the compressor i.e. get a new unit.

Personally I wouldn’t pay that much for a unit that old. You may get several more years out of it or it may crap out tomorrow.

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Too old… what Andrew_K said!

No kidding. You wouldn’t reference the sticker price for a 20 year old car or refrigerator.


i read that as 20 year old cat first lol. but yea, hard pass.

When I was shopping for these, I’d ask they snap a picture of the S/N label as it shows production date.

Looks like commercial use, so probably more used. Maybe $500 depending on cost to replace the cooling unit, if there is a “drop in” unit available for that model.

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Get more details on the age, more pictures if possible.

Maybe $500 cash and offer to pick up within 7 days.

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Get more details on the age, more pictures if possible.

Maybe $500 cash and offer to pick up within 7 days.

I just re-read the offer, it looks like it’s 3 Eurocaves for $1,000. if they are all 5ft tall, then this is a potential deal. You may have to replace the compressors, but if it’s $1,000 for all three (and they work) that’s a deal.

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I would also ask the last time the filters were changed on the units. That could have a big impact on clean running & reduced mold problems.