Urgent : Baronne Guichard wine dinner in Washington DC this Friday

I am sorry to post this on winetalk but this is sort of urgent. Todd, please let this stay on wine talk for today.

Paul Goldschmidt, one of the nicest guys in Bordeaux and the owner of Chateau Vray Croix de Gay (Pomerol), Chateau Le Prieure (St Emillion) and Chateau Siaurac (Lalande de Pomerol) just emailed me that he will be in DC to visit his daughter. I would love to organize an impromptu dinner to welcome him and also taste through his 2009s and 2011s. I happened to like his wines and would love to introduce the wines to the dc winos. If you have never participated in barrel tasting, this would be a great opportunity and pop that cherry. I figure I need to get at least five confirmation. The dinner will be held at Lavandou or the Connecticut avenue Ruth’s chris. Just a bring a bottle or two to welcome Paul and enjoy his wines. Please post if you can join.


Kevin, it is an offline, it goes in the offline forum.

I know some miss offlines because they don’t check this forum, but rather than feed the beast and post in Wine Talk, keep the important and ‘urgent’ offlines in here, and perhaps people will remember to keep looking, just in case.

This is an opportunity to taste some great wines including the 11 barrel sample. This is a last minute thing otherwise I would have not done it. Hopefully people will read.

Too bad that this is an issue and Kevin, I hope you get enough people…Given all the various forums, etc., I am actually surprised that a lot/most/many people would read the BB by going individually to each forum rather than just selecting the “view active topics” link. I always browse using that - and run my eyes over all the threads - fast enough just to click on those that I want to read… Always seemed the easiest approach to me since an interesting topic is an interesting topic no matter the forum (same with the “New Posts” button on the Squires Board), but maybe I’m an outlier in usage.

Same with me, Dan, but I use ‘view new posts’ throughout the day instead. That way I get a cross section of all posts on all forums

I’m flying home on Thursday night otherwise I’d love to have joined you…

Hi Kevin.

I can make it. Please let mke know if you can get this off of the ground.

Hi David,

BTW, Chateau Vray Croix de Gay is near Chateau Petrus, Chateau Lafleur and Chateau Trotanoy.

Now you sound like Roy Piper


I believe the correct term is un jet de pierre. [whistle.gif]

The dinner is on. It will be a great opportunity to get introduced to Paul’s wines and meet a few dcwinos. If interested, please pm. So far ther ewill be six to ten of us. I will try to make a reservation at Ruth’s chris connecticut ave around 7 ish. I will update in a few hours with the final detail.

We will start 7 PM tomorrow night at Ruth Chris connecticut ave,

As of now, It will be nine to ten of us. I am brining the 02 Dom, couldn’t locate the 90 and the 59 Grand Puy Lacoste. There will also be a bottle of the 02 Aubert and plenty of others knowing the participants.