Upper West Side Lunch Recs, Please

Something casual. Close to the Beacon Theatre would be good, but not essential. Thanks!

Good Enough to Eat http://www.goodenoughtoeat.com/

Artie’s Deli http://arties.com/

5 Napkin Burger http://5napkinburger.com/upper-west-side-new-york

Nice Matin, enough said, going on 10 + years a great bistro…

The Fairway Cafe is also nice and right across the street, upstairs in the market. There’s also a Shake Shack at 77th & Columbus if you want to check that out.

Or, say Hi to Dan at La Grolla Pizza…



+1, especially about Dan. His pizza is delicious.

Thanks, all, for the recommendations. I remember La Grolla, but had forgotten the name. One of these is sure to fit the bill.

Mark, Boulud Sud is open for lunch , IIRC. At 64th and Broadway, its close enough to the Beacon to put it in the same hood, at least to my way of thinking……as is Bar Boulud, just around the corner, on Broadway.

Dan was doing fine dining at La Grolla and it wasn’t working out as well so he converted to pizza & casual food about 2yrs ago.

Only time for a quick bite in between university then grad school ceremonies. Looking to stop on the way down from 116th St. to the Beacon. Maybe wishful thinking on my part; wouldn’t be surprised if we lunched at a halal truck (shudder)…

There are outposts of Serafina (pizza, italian) and Fatty Crab on Broadway between 77th and 76th, Serafina’s steady and unspectacular but it will keep you away from the halal guys. Haven’t been to Fatty Crab but believe it has a good rep.

Thanks to all who made recommendations. As it turned out, we had no time for lunch between graduation ceremonies and ended up with semi-edible takeout from Josie’s West as we waited on line to enter the Beacon. Not that we really missed the meal, as we had a very special dinner the night before at Gramercy Tavern and oysters, sausages, and Krug at DBGB following. I envy my daughter’s food choices in NYC, even on her social worker income…

Glad you had fun. Honestly you played it right, better to drink and nosh along the way vs a ‘normal’ meal and all the preconceptions that come with it. That’s NYC style!