Upcoming Business Travel (Chicago, Boston, Vegas)

I have several short business trips over the course of the next few weeks in September, and would love to connect with any fellow Berserkers if I can find the time. I think this is what my schedule looks like:

9/10 - 9/11: Chicago
9/14 - 9/15: Boston (Cambridge really)
9/19 - 9/23: Vegas
9/29 - 10/1: Boston (Cambridge again)

Hit me up if you want to get together and share a glass or two. Being landlocked in Indiana, I don’t get too many opportunities to meet other Berserkers.

Kent, Dana and I will be in Vegas from the 18th to the 21st. Let’s meet up and do dinner at Lotus of Siam. Any other folks in the Vegas area want to get together and get something going? Perhaps a mini In-N-Out wine party??? [berserker.gif]

Mike - you read my mind! I was determined to go to LoS on Saturday night before all of my work obligations started popping up.

Count me in for whatever you guys decide… I would prefer LOS, but I guess I can do that anytime.

LOS will happen for sure. We have never been and are looking forward to the dinner. Looks like Saturday is the night. Will that work for you? Anyone else???

That works for me. I will be out of town from tonight thru next Sunday, but let me know if your making reservations or if is something you’d like me to do. If someone else is going to do it I’m +1

Kent & Joe, I will call for the reservations for 6 people on Saturday night. What time would we like to set the dinner?
Anyone else interested?