Up For Grabs: New Rivers Marie release

1st wave. Should have a good size allocation as I buy almost max each year. Wedding coming up in a few months so can’t afford a large purchase

Delivery will be directly to you @ winery cost. Largest allocation gets it. First to commit to the full purchase gets it automatically.

Release is on the 17th. Please let me know beforehand if you’re interested.


I would happily take your whole allocation.

Hope you are doing well.


Thanks! I’ll send you my info once I get it and you can order it yourself :smiley:.

Hope we can crack a bottle soon!

Lies! neener I know how Chinese weddings work. You get 80-200% back of the wedding costs in hong bao.

[rofl.gif] Sadly, that didn’t happen at my wedding. Maybe cuz my Taiwanese wife’s family and friends didn’t think a Korean man deserved hong bao. Btw, I don’t know what hong bao is.

Literally “Red envelope”, which is typically filled with money or a check.

I’m inviting too many white folk!!! Don’t you remember this thread?! https://wineimport.discoursehosting.net/t/need-ideas-gift-for-a-2nd-marriage-of-a-good-friend/44530/32

I’m going to end up getting a bunch of matching napkin rings and plates. [snort.gif]