Underground Cellar (wine seller/retailer) OUT OF BUSINESS

Nice haul!

Fantastic effort. I too would have been on the ā€œsee champagne, immediately purchaseā€ plan at these prices if i had seen it in time.

Amanda, out of curiosity, what did you pay for some of those? Like the Corton Charlemagne?


What the people want to know - sassicaias were 117, the latour was 112, the pillot mag was 66, the Kosta browns were 63. :upside_down_face:


The pillot omg - what a score

Hey folks, I notice that prices have dropped a little! The Ocelli single vineyard Grenache (as an example) was previously $9.60, but is now $8.64!

Youā€™re welcome! Very slim pickings left, but there are still a few that Iā€™d grab if prices move down further!


I mean is like $12-$20 a case really holding you back?

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Ah, no @J_Patrick_Lynch

Iā€™m counting down the hours until the UC plug is pulled. After re-reading the email, it looks like weā€™ll still be able to buy tomorrow but I havenā€™t seen any more drastic price reductions to motivate me to buy more party wine.

On maybe a related note if UC ever carried Petroni wine: I just found and bought several Petroniā€™s at my local Grocery Outlet. 2014 Moon mountain syrah $9, MSRP $34; Rosato $5, MSRP $25 and magnums of 2006 and 2008 Moon Mountain cab for $24, MSRP $165. Iā€™m going to be checking GO for UC remnants over the next month or so.


Destinata Riesling is fine and even tasty but kind of unremarkable. Tastes like Riesling but not something Iā€™d touch at the retail price.
No complaints at the blowout cost, but I guess they canā€™t all be stars.

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Petroni has been featured heavily on LastBottle as well.

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Funny about you seeing Petroni Syrah. After Last Bottle had a lot on Petroni wine featured in their December marathon sale, I noticed that they offered all Petroni wine except their Syrah and Malbec. So I emailed LB to see if they had any Syrah and Malbec and I was told nope, we donā€™t have any.

Then, they offered the Malbec during their April marathon sale, but no Syrah. Iā€™ve been waiting patiently for the Syrah, thinking it was coming!

Now I know where it wentā€¦

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These Petroniā€™s are at the Rohnert Park and Petaluma, CA GOs. I think that there is also a 2010 syrah available but the wine stocking lady said the Petroniā€™s have been flying off the shelves.

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More new wine is up on the sale!

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Picked up some Sojourn Oakville, Larkmead and Spring Mountain Cab, First order


Yeah, I picked up another case too. All Bordeaux type blends. I donā€™t order from de Negoce any longer, so this will fit the bill for those weeknight bottles. Nothing fancy.
Screenshot 2024-05-16 205159

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Couldnā€™t help myself and picked up 9 bottles of 2019 Rousset St. Joseph


2016 Switchback Merlot - $18


A bunch of 2013 LaMontagne Buona Terra Pinot got released. It should be pretty good. I am resisting.


The way they do this is so troll. I saw the email 17 mins after it arrived. Needless to say, that was far to slow for the obvious stuff. All the champagne was long gone. And yet, i still managed to buy 2 more casesā€¦


There was lots of good stuff about an hour ago. I kept on making a cart , getting 3 bottles pulled out from under me, then going to search for the next thing to fill the case, only to find out that something else had run out by the time I had decided. Honestly thereā€™s plenty of good stuff left but I canā€™t bring myself to pull the trigger anymore because I had so much better stuff in my original cart if I had been a bit more decisive. Itā€™s probably for the best!