Ultramarine - 2020 Vintage Release

*edited based on @J_Rock talking some sense into me, ha!

Just received the letter for the 2020 vintage release. I was already on the fence as prices keep creeping up…but the 2020 vintage gives me even greater pause. Will have to see the release notes and of course the $$$

'Thank you for your patience in the 2020 release for Ultramarine. Because of your continued support we are offering you and earlier allocation, two days before the main release.

We will be holding only one release this year. And while we will guarantee the allocations of the 2020 vintage wine, we will not guarantee the allocations of magnums or late disgorged wines.

The 2020 vintage in California was, of course, a major fire vintage. Our wines were picked before the Glass fire, but during and after the LNU lightening complex, and while there is no measurable or perceptible smoke, it’s hard not to see them through that prism. The wines seem rich even compared to previous vintages and with enough time open, most seem ready to be enjoyed now. A welcome change from previous releases that require years.

We’ll have full notes and pricing will remain the same as previous releases.’

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I kind of like these notes. They seem open and honest about the vintage while also saying they didn’t detect any smoke taint when measuring or tasting.


Yeah, you know what. After re-reading it a couple times, i think you’re right. In hindsight, im glad they acknowledged it vs. Saying nothing. My apologies- i read it quickly and jumped the gun with my reaction.


Strange, I’ve been buying for 5+ years and didn’t get the save the date email today

Me either!

I likely won’t take my full allocation. DM me if anyone is interested in some bottles at cost plus shipping, etc.

My allocation day is Tuesday 9/10