Two wagons: one 10 days, another 3 months

Due to a course of antibiotic, I have been relegated to the sidelines. With my own virtual 2003 cabernet tasting in mere days, I guess reading will have to suffice.

Must get better.

I have put myself on my second buying-stop in as many years. I need to get to October without as much as a penny spent. Gonna be hard.
Wish me luck! [training.gif]

Good luck with killing whatever bug you are fighting.

I have also been spending as little as possible lately, but I don’t have a strict no spending policy. The only thing I have bought in months is some Napanook and Lillian Syrah.

good luck keeping the cc’s clean. best i have done is shave a wine club or two!

the cold will get better.

Bruce, no matter how many PMs you get from me, please refrain from telling me where you got those $32 Napanooks… [thankyou.gif]

Thanks guys.
It’s sinusitis, and man and its a rough one.