[TRADE/ITB] South African Wine Dinner - Washington, DC - 4/18/12

I didn’t see a final agreement or resolution to this thread about ITB/trade tastings/dinners, but I’ll throw this up here and mods can move or delete if they decide it’s inappropriate.

Here’s the full disclosure: This was sent to me by a friend who is ITB (restaurant wine service), advertising a wine dinner with an importer. I believe it meets the standard of being special enough for posting because it is hosted by the founder of the company, Cape Classics, a well-regarded importer.

Below is all of the information that I have, including the email address for RSVPs. Cheers! [cheers.gif]

I would personally like to invite you to an exclusive South African wine dinner at Jack Rose Dining Saloon, featuring some of the flagship wines from Cape Classics Imports and a presentation by its founder, Andre Shearer.

On Wednesday, April 18, Chef Michael Hartzer will prepare a four-course meal to complement some of South Africa’s top wines, and Mr. Shearer will provide a grounded introduction to the South African wine industry–now more than 350 years old and renowned for its balance of old-world elegance and new-world fruit.

The dinner will feature wines by De Morgenzon, Ken Forrester, Glennelly, De Toren, Buitenverwachting, and Klein Constantia. (The latter, in the course of its existence, was famously enjoyed by Thomas Jefferson, Margret Thatcher, Jane Austin, and Napoleon, to name a few.)

Andre Shearer founded Cape Classics in 1991 and is responsible for the availability of some of the premier South African producers in the US market. He will speak in detail about the wineries and the rich history of South African wine and culture.

Date: Wednesday April 18
Time: 6:30pm – 10pm
Location: Jack Rose 2007 18th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20009

The cost is an all-inclusive $110 per person. For reservations, please call Sean Coetzee to RSVP at 402.617.5675 or email > Sean@capeclassics.com> . We only have 20 seats available and they will go very quickly so please email soonest if you would like to attend. I look forward to seeing you there.