Pics to come…
He lives! Where you been stranger?
Here and there…I think this my 3rd rodeo with chicken fried steak in about 10 days…
How’ve you been?
Welcome back again! Gimme pics!
Things are good, thanks. Is cream gravy in your near future?
Thank you sir! Pics will be up when possible.
Traci will make the roux…
Nice to hear from you again, Tony
Well pics arent working out so well…CFS was amazing as was 08 Zin
What does that mean? You don’t know how to upload them, or you ate the food before you took pics?
Eric - I admit defeat…cant’ get fuking things uploaded
Here’s your photo:
That is the CFS…too f’in awesome
Yikes! How many guests were there?..
Good to hear from you.
4 people total. I actually restrained myself. Our two guests, one of whom is from the south and jonesing for CFS, did some serious damage.
What cut did you use?
Hey Paul - I have no idea. We just bought some pretty thin meat at Safeway and then had the guy run it through the tenderizer.
Okay I just dug the package out of the trash - Safeway “Ranchers Reserve” Top Round Sirloin. I do like how it says on a sticker - thin cut, serves more!
Typical Safeway. Top round is from the round, not the sirloin. Perfect for CFS, but still . . .
Looks pretty damn awesome!