Piggybacking on the popular pinot thread, I’m interested in getting input on Syrahs. Thoughts on your top producers? To get the list started, I would include:
Paul Lato
I’m sure Saxum and Bedrock make the list, but I haven’t tried these yet.
I am a hug fan of well made Syrah and, in full disclosure, make a Syrah from our estate in the Bennett Valley appellation in Sonoma County(which will likely be best know for Syrah in the future). My favorites:
Kongsgaard Hudson Vineyard
Tensley Colson Canyon
Neyers Syrah Hudson Vineyard when Ehren Jordan made it
Carlisle Cardiac Hill (from the vineyard across the street from us)
Radio Coteau Cherry Camp and Timbervine
Outside of the CA box, but my favorite is Corliss out of Walla Walla – and I am a booker and denner club member. I’m also really looking forward to my Reynvaan stonessence syrah too.
Other than that, I like the Tensley OGT and BMT out of central coast.
I’ve always loved Copain Syrah and think the new style has made them even better.
I also buy Alban, Saxum, Bedrock, Carlisle and get that nice postcard from SQN
across the pond, CHAVE and many other Rhone producers
I assume this is supposed to be American-only, yeah?
Wind Gap
{anyone using grapes from the White Hawk vineyard} … sorry for the cop-out.
I’m anxious to try many other producers who might ultimately claim a spot on this list (i.e.: Halcon; Rhys; Arnot-Roberts; Lagier-Meredith (only one I’ve ever had was “off” in some weird way); SQN)
I’m not a big fan of Syrah from the US, but every once in a while, I will have a Syrah from Scherrer and find it has those I qualities I look for in Syrah and reminds me of one from the Northern Rhone. I also like what Lagier Meredith produce from Mt. Veeder.