Tonight's Supper

Tonight’s ‘light’ supper after our delightful lunch at SantaCafé was a mixture of cold cuts, cheese, artichoke hearts, Lucques olives, and mozzarella / salame rolls - pizza seasoned, Buffalo seasoned, & Hot Salame. Accompanying wine was a 2000 Nine Gables Zinfandel Pifari Whispering Pines Vineyard from California’s Shenandoah Valley (in the Sierra Foothills} - much better than last night’s wine; fill at the bottom of the neck; dark ruby in color; rich spicy berries in nose and flavors; mid-palate of good acidity and good fruit; and a medium long spicy berry finish. This one restored my faith in Sierra Foothills Zins, I really don’t understand why last night’s Elyse was over-the-hill, except for the deficiency in acidity; if i remember correctly, when we bought it years ago, it was rich fruit with a tannic structure, and low acidity.

The Saucisson de Vic, Mini Chorizo, Gruyere Cheese, Mozzarella rolls, and accompaniments were very enjoyable with the Zinfandel. What a change from last night!