Toast! “Before You Drink” Gummies (New Product!) - Post-Berserker Day 15% off w/ Free Shipping!

Thanks for trying us out all, I look forward to hearing what you all think. We’ll be keeping these offers available until the end of the day tomorrow, at which point we’ll provide an updated discount code that Berserkers can use on our regularly priced catalog!

Wasn’t able to snag these, but looks really interesting.

I admit to being both interested and skeptical (and skeptical won out this BD). Those who purchased, I’d love to read your reports as you try these out.

Congrats Adam, you won our Unlucky 13 deal! Please note that the Unlucky 13 package will come separately.

[cheers.gif] Awesome! I’ve always been unlucky at winning contests, but I guess now being unlucky has made me win something. Excited to try the other gummies! Thank you, Sean

Hey folks, one of our fulfillment centers has been understaffed due to COVID issues, and it looks like some orders were shipped incorrectly from there with the wrong kind of pouch. If you got pouches that say “two servings in every pouch” instead of the party pouch, please email so they can get you the correct pouch shipped out. My apologies for the inconvenience!

Have yet to really overindulge on these, but I’ve tried them twice on nights I’ve had an extra glass, and they do seem to help. I either don’t wake up at 5am like I usually do with wine, or I wake up more refreshed. I will say I wish they were stronger so that 2 would do the trick. They’re expensive enough that I might try some of the ingredients (nopal powder, milk thistle, l-cysteine, matcha) as supplements on their own and see if they help with weeknight glasses of wine (where I’m not worried about being hungover but don’t want to wake up 2-3 hours earlier than intended).

So, at least for me - yes, they help, but not to the point where they’re a magic bullet.

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I tried these with a combo of sake and red wine. That would normally leave me with a hellish hangover, but with these I felt pretty chipper and just a tiny bit off. By the afternoon, I felt right as rain.

It’s not a magic bullet, but it’s definitely better than nothing.


As a little feedback on the quantity question Geoff, it really comes down to flavor. Herbal ingredients like milk thistle and nopal have very strong, and not exactly tasty, flavors; even pills for some of those ingredients, and L-cysteine is in there too, can have very strong “off” or bitter flavors. So to achieve a palatable, let alone good, flavor requires a lot of work and keeping the active formula dose in the gummy below a certain threshold because otherwise…well, it’s just impossible to have them taste good.

That being said, what I would suggest in your case is getting the party pouch (the one with 40 gummies in a single pouch) and experimenting with the amount that works for you to get the effects you want. It may well be the case that 2 or 3 gummies is sufficient to the task.

In for a carton of gummies.

For the candy dish in the cellar?

For my Wife so she can go from White to Red without getting a migraine. Sorry.

Just as a little tip of potential interest to the WineBerserker community, we just launched a new bundle product that includes our gummies along with cocktail mixes and snacks and some other goodies. The WineBerserker discount (Berserker15 for 15% off) also applies to our bundles!

The gummies taste awful, but they work and that’s what matters. I recently found myself hosting one of those late-lunch to midnight+ affairs in which the food, the drink and the people keep evolving and someone just got here and they haven’t had anything so of course you offer to open yet another bottle and you have to taste it to make sure and so on. And sure, I didn’t exactly feel great the next day, but I did not have the sort of hangover I would have certainly gotten otherwise, and remarkably that includes not having a headache. I did follow the instructions and reupped the dose after a while (so twice in total but still probably less than the package would suggest). I just wish they were pills instead of gummies so I could avoid the awful taste. Still, must buy stuff. Good job Sean.

I actually thought these tasted good, but they definitely work. I took them an hour before a big wine event last night and woke up feeling 100%.

It’s interesting, the majority of people give us good reviews on the taste, but there’s a vocal minority who really hate it. It’s something we continue to work on!

As one of the vocal minority, I appreciate it. But I stress again, they work and that’s what matters.

I’ve found it seems more effective if you double dose it before an event.

There’s a reason the instructions say to take a 2nd dose “as needed”!

Hey WB Community, wanted to share a couple specials for the summer that we’re running given that the 4th is coming up!

First, through the end of the month you can get a free bottle of our Before You Sleep Gummies with any purchase of our Before You Drink Gummies when you use code “summersleep”.

Second, if you haven’t tried our gummies yet, you can currently get a sample pack for only $9.99 on Am azon when you use the $5.00 off coupon we have on the listing. That’s four servings of gummies, so it’s a real good deal…and it won’t last too long!

P.S. If you order our gummies on Amazon, we’d love a review! They are very helpful!